
Golf Course Renovation Update

Tim Kortanek and the entire golf course maintenance staff are working diligently to prepare the golf course as the reopening approaches. This month, additional golf course sod is being installed and in mid-November, St. Augustine sod will be placed in areas throughout the community in need of repair due to the renovation.

The November schedule also includes:
  • Week 1: Stump grinding and clean up
  • Week 2: Annual flowers planted
  • Week 3: Course landscaping installed
  • Week 4: Pine straw installed
As you can imagine, Tim and his team are facing a tight deadline to complete their punch list on the course. We know many of you have questions and concerns, but we ask that you please refrain from stopping the golf course maintenance crew while they are traveling throughout the community. These interruptions frequently prevent them from doing their job efficiently. Green Committee member, Bruce Johnson is continuing to provide tours of the course and we encourage everyone who hasn't seen the course, or may have questions, to sign up by contacting Karon Bennett at: [email protected].

Not to be overlooked, Ryker, his CLIS team, and Mainscape are busy troubleshooting wire path issues and addressing resident requests. Please make sure you go online or come to the office to fill out a resident request form if you would like to submit a work order.

November is going to be a very important and busy month for us. We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff who takes pride in their work, and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we head down the home stretch.
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Date: 3/23/22