District Transparency

The Herons Glen Recreation District (the "District") was officially established April 28, 1998 as an independent special district by Lee County Ordinance No. 98-08 and amended by Ordinance No. 98-18. These ordinances established a charter and created the HGRD under Chapter 418, Part II, Florida Statutes. The purpose of the District is to finance, acquire, plan, improve, operate, maintain and manage recreational facilities within the District. The District is located in Lee County, Florida. The boundaries of the District are coterminous with the boundaries of the Herons Glen Community in Lee County, Florida and are set forth in the Charter. 

For questions about membership, weddings or other general information please call (239) 731-4501 or email[email protected]

For legal purposes only, the primary contact information for the Recreational District is:

HGRD General Manager, J.B. Belknap
2250 Herons Glen Blvd., Suite #100, North Fort Myers, FL 33917
Email: [email protected]

The Registered Agent for the Recreational District is:
 Thomas B. Hart, Esq. of Knott Ebelini Hart
1625 Hendry Street, 3rd Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Email: [email protected]

Mission Statement

Herons Glen Recreation District is a Florida Special District, a community that provides quality recreation, activities, and programs for all residents. We strive to provide excellent financial value and well-maintained facilities to satisfy varied interest groups and promote healthy lifestyles.

 Vision Statement

Continue to be one of the premier active adult communities in Southwest Florida that provides an excellent value for our current and future residents.

Governing Body

The District is governed by a five (5) member Board of Supervisors (the "Board") elected by the property owners to serve on staggered three year terms. Elections are held in March, and new terms commence the following April 1st. Members of the Board serve without compensation.

Fiscal Year

As a governmental body, The District follows the prescribed government fiscal year which runs from October 1 through September 30.

Important District Documents

Administrative Code, Policies and Rules
Charter for Herons Glen Recreation District
Boundary Agreements
Lake Bank Priority 
Strategic Plan
Tree Replacement Plan
Documents Involving the Declaration of Covenants can be found on the HOA website at: hggcc.com/herons_glen/herons_glen_index.htm

From the Florida Legislature Website: